About Us

Rithipul (in Khmer) means People-driven Power to Achieve the great result!

Rithipul Co., Ltd. was established in 2012 as Youth Financial Development Foundation (YFDF) to provide support and enhance accountability in microfinance institutes and banks by increasing financial education for Cambodian youth and to foster sustainable growth for micro-financiers, bankers and their customers. In February 2015, YFDF was renamed as Karuna Training Center (KTC) and in March 2019, KTC was rebranded and registered as Rithipul Co., Ltd., a private limited company, while retaining the same social impact purpose and objectives. In 2021 was renamed as Rithipul.


Our Vision is to empower Cambodian people with the knowledge, skills and leadership in financial management to succeed in their personal lives and to live harmoniously in the family, community, society and the world.


Educate and provide quality information and resources that allow individuals and communities to professionally manage their finances.
Help instill financial knowledge in the youth and to help them achieve financial security and responsibility.
Provide the most trusted resource for financial literacy counseling, financial educational services and other solutions that enable our clients and SME partners to achieve their financial goals.


Quality: Commit to excellent service, and develop and strengthen quality as our highest responsibility.
Transparency: All people will be recognized equally without any discrimination.
Unity: We collectively strive to benefit all people in everything we do.
Integrity: Be successful and get the benefit/reward without exploitation, bribe and corruption.
Legacy: Those that engage with us will be provided with outstanding service that will be remembered for all times.

Our Products & Services

Financial Literacy for Communities

We are in the core business of providing training and advisory services, specifically in Personal Financial Education for the Cambodian market, while maximizing inclusion and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

We also advise entrepreneurs and startups, and real estate companies on banking and financial products and services. We partner with multinational corporations and state-owned enterprises to tap into their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs to support startups and SMEs in Cambodia.

Our new offerings include multimedia services, digital marketing and sales, and mobile and web application development.

Our Capabilities & Past Experiences

As part of the Thaneakea Phum (Cambodia) Ltd. (now LOLC Cambodia) team in 2012, Rithipul’s Founder & CEO designed, successfully managed and built capacity for Good Return, an initiative of the World Education Australia, supported by AusAID andWorld Education Cambodia’s Learning for a Better Life - a Financial Literacy Training Program for Communities.

Key Activities

Inception Phase
Project Design
Pilot Phase
Conducted Training Needs Analysis (TNA) targeting Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum provinces
Curriculum Development on:
Savings - Drawing your dream (8 sessions)
Cash Management - NEED and WANT (8 sessions)
Debt Management - Handle with Care (8 sessions)
Small Business Management (8 sessions)
ToT - Training of Trainers
Conducted orientation and delivered training to communities
Roll-out Phase
Conducted ToT, refresher, and other trainings to the team
Delivered trainings in 7 provinces
Assisted in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of the program
Provided coaching and mentoring to the team

Key Achievements

Developed staff and trainers’ capacities to deliver financial literacy training through providing ToT, refresher, coaching and mentoring to:
7 TPC branch Managers (one female)
1 TPC Training Unit Manager (female)
3 TPC Head Credit Officers
12 Training Officers (Financial Literacy Trainers, one of them was female)
3 TPC Credit Officers
1 Community Trainer (female)
Delivered Community Financial Literacy Trainings
Implemented in 7 provinces, viz. Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmum, Prey Veng, Kampong Speu, Kandal, Takao and Kampot.
As of October 2014, 5,390 community members have completed the training and 85% of them were female.
Pre- and Post-evaluation indicated a 13% improvement in participant’s knowledge.
Training feedback indicated that 95% of participants were satisfied with the training.
One community female trainer (Cham village) can deliver the training to the community.
Youth Financial Awareness Program
During July - December 2014, 1,934 university students participated in workshops of whom 1,002 were women.
Feedback from students indicated that 86% believed the program was beneficial and delivered to a high standard.
Long-term relationships built with 8 universities.

Financial Literacy for WEWork Collectives

Other Credentials
Youth Financial Awareness Program
Baramey-Rithipul Team Building Program
First Home Project
Rithipul Social Activities
Women in Team Building Training
Youth and Women Economic Empowerment
Work-Life Balance & Motivational Program

Rithipul Organization Chart

Certificate of Incorporation

About Rithipul

Rithipul is a private limited company on a mission to empower Cambodian people and enterprises with the knowledge, skills and leadership in financial management.